The wallet is akin to a single account on your Wallet provider. For example, in Metamask, you can have multiple accounts, each with their own public address.
You can also have multiple chains associated with a single account in your wallet provider, for example in Magic Eden, you can have “Account 1”, which has a public address for Solana, another for Bitcoin, etc. Each of these chain addresses are mapped to a different wallet object in Dynamic.
You’ll find props and methods for a wallet object are specific to interacting with a single account/sub-account (i.e. for a single chain) on your wallet provider.
For example, getBalance, or signMessage interact with a single account/subaccount.
Below we outline the generic props and methods for a wallet object no matter what chain the account belongs to.
In each chain specific section, we also outline the props and methods for a wallet object for that chain.
additionalAddresses: WalletAdditionalAddress[]
Additional addresses associated to the wallet (e.g. ordinals and payment addresses for bitcoin wallets)
address: string
Public address of the connected wallet
chain: string
Current BlockChain name (e.g: ‘ETH’, ‘SOL’, ‘BTC’, etc)
connector: WalletConnector
The wallet connector object
id: string
The wallet’s unique id (matches thw wallet verified credential on connect-anf-sign)
isAuthenticated: boolean
True if the user is authenticated, otherwise it’s false
The connector is akin to the wallet provider itself i.e. Metamask, Phantom, etc. It is abstracted away from any single account. Therefore you’ll find methods and props that are relevant to the wallet provider itself like isInstalledOnBrowser, or getDeepLink.
Below we outline the props and methods for a wallet connector object no matter what chain the account belongs to. In each chain specific section, we also outline the props and methods for a wallet connector object for that chain.
canConnectViaCustodialService: boolean
If the wallet needs to be connected via a custodial service such as Blocto, this will be true.
canConnectViaQrCode: boolean
If the wallet is not installed, and can be connected via a QR code, this will be true.
canConnectViaSocial: boolean
Whether this connector can be connected via social login.