Usually, Dynamic-powered embedded wallets work only for your app and hosted domains. Global connectivity allows users to use your app and their embedded wallet on any web3 app that integrates WalletConnect. Transactions from the dApp will be forwarded to the user on the app that initiated the connection. This feature is currently restricted to EVM embedded wallets.

To ensure all transactions from a connected app are approved first by the user, confirmation prompts will be forced for messages that come from a different app.

You must update your SDK version to v3.0.0-alpha.62 or above for this feature

In order to use Global Connectivity, we have provided an additional optional package:

npm i @dynamic-labs/global-wallet
import { GlobalWalletExtension } from "@dynamic-labs/global-wallet";

return (
      environmentId: "XXXXX",
      walletConnectorExtensions: [GlobalWalletExtension],
    <App />

After passing in the extension, you should see a “Connect” button on the main page of the dynamic widget. Follow the instructions on the widget to start connecting to other apps.