accountSwitchState: AccountSwitchStateThis enum type specifies the current state of switching or linking wallets in a multi-wallet enabled environment. This can be idle, linking_new_wallet, switching_primary, primary_not_connected
authMode: AuthModeTypeThis enum type specifies whether the SDK\’s users will need to sign to authenticate and prove ownership of their account, or just connect is enough. This can be connect-only or connect-and-sign
authToken: getAuthToken()JSON web token (JWT) stored if the user is authenticated. This is the authenticated user’s token. See: backend verification.
awaitingSignatureState: AwaitingSignatureStateThis enum type specifies the current state while waiting for a signature of a new wallet to link in a multi-wallet enabled environment. This can be idle, linking_new_wallet, transferring_wallet
handleLogOut: () => PromiseA helper-method to log-out the currently authenticated user account.
handleUnlinkWallet(walletId: string): PromiseHelper function to unlink a wallet given a wallet ID from the user account.
isFullyConnected: booleanIndicates that all wallets specified in WalletsByChain are fully connected. If no WalletsByChain prop is provided, indicates whether the user has connected a single wallet.
isVerificationInProgress: booleanWhether any verifications are in progress for the current user (ex. connect, sign and email login verifications).
loadingNetwork: booleanReturns true when the SDK is looking for the network of the primary wallet\’s wallet connector.
multiWalletWidgetState: MultiWalletWidgetStateThis enum type specifies the current state of the widget in a multi-wallet enabled environment. This can be idle, awaiting_account_switch, awaiting_connection, awaiting_signature, detected_known_secondary_wallet, detected_new_wallet
network: number | undefinedThis represents the current network selected for the primary wallet
networkConfigurations: NetworkConfigurationMap | undefinedThis contains the current network configurations for various EVM and Solana chains. These information includes chain ID, RPC URLs, and other important information.
primaryWallet: Wallet | nullAn instance of a Wallet that represents the most recent connected Wallet.
qrcodeUri: stringURI for the QR code to scan in the current modal.
redirectUrl?: stringURL used for redirecting back after connecting with farcaster
rpcProviders: DynamicRPCProvidersList of RPC providers and their settings to communicate with web3 services. These providers are configured on Dynamic’s dashboard.
sdkHasLoaded: booleanWhether the sdk’s data is done loading — useful for avoiding stale data flashes by not rendering until the sdk is done loading.
selectedTabIndex: numberThe selected tab index when using the wallet list view tabs feature
setAuthMode: Dispatch<SetStateAction<AuthModeType>>Sets the current authentication mode of branded wallets (“connect-and-sign” or “connect-only”). Note: does nothing if the user is already logged in. You might also want to toggle the initialAuthenticationMode prop.
setMultiWalletWidgetState: MultiWalletWidgetStateSetterIt controls the intended state for a multi-wallet enabled environment.
setSelectedTabIndex: Dispatch<SetStateAction<number>>Sets the selected tab index when using the wallet list view tabs feature
setShowAuthFlow: Dispatch<SetStateAction>It controls whether or not to display the DynamicAuthFlow SDK component.
setShowQrcodeModal: Dispatch<SetStateAction>It controls whether or not to display a QR code modal.
showAuthFlow: booleanThe value set by setShowAuthFlow, it controls whether or not to display the DynamicAuthFlow SDK component.
showQrcodeModal: booleanValue set by setShowQrcodeModal, it controls whether or not to display a QR code modal.
user: UserProfile | nullThe user object of the currently authenticated user.
userWithMissingInfo: UserProfile | undefinedPresent if the user is authenticated but hasn’t finished onboarding (i.e. mandatory info capture/MFA), undefined if the user hasn’t started the login/signup process or has already fully completed it.

If you’re looking to access the current user or session’s wallets, like you would with linkedWallets, secondaryWallets and connectedWallets in previous versions, check out the new useUserWallets hook.


setShowAuthFlow - use it to start signature request from user

const ConnectButton = () => {
  const { setShowAuthFlow } = useDynamicContext();
  return (
      onClick={() => setShowAuthFlow(true)}
      Connect your wallet

primaryWallet - use it to make operations on the currently active wallet

  • method to simply fetch balance of users wallet:
const getBalance = async () => {
  const balance = await primaryWallet.getBalance();
  return balance;
  • get users primary wallet
const getAddress = () => {
  const address = primaryWallet.address;
  return address;
  • get all connected wallets by primary wallet connector
const getConnectedAccounts = async () => {
  const connectedAccounts = await primaryWallet?.connector.getConnectedAccounts();
  return connectedAccounts;

handleLogOut - use it to log out currently logged in user

const LogoutButton = () => {
  const { handleLogOut } = useDynamicContext();
  return (
      onClick={() => handleLogOut()}
      Log out

authToken - use it to get authenticated user jwt

const getJwt = () => {
  const jwt = authToken;
  return jwt;

isVerificationInProgress - use it along with onAuthFlowClose to tell whether it was manually closed or closed due to a verification process

    events: {
      onAuthFlowClose: () => {
        if (isVerificationInProgress) console.log('Closed due to verification process');
        else console.log('Manually closed by client');
 {/* ... rest of your app ... */}

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