This is a mammoth release, so strap in! We’ve got an absolute ton of new features for you.

The upgrade guide for this release containing only implementation related changes can be found here. As there a number of breaking changes with this release, we recommend reviewing that guide along with this one.

Dynamic-powered embedded wallets

You now have much more flexibility when it comes to embedded wallets, read more here.

Account Abstraction

Generating Smart Contract Wallets is now as easy as a dashboard toggle! Read more here.

Pre-generated wallets

Want to give your users a wallet before they even sign up, or provide one on signup but not require adding authentication until their first transaction? Now you can! Read more here.

Account recovery

Passkeys make life a lot easier, but can be a pain if you lock yourself out. Account recovery makes regaining access super easy. Read more here.

Programmable views

Often you want your signup options to change based on any number of factors like where it’s embedded and where the user is coming from. Programmable views let you do just that. Read more here.

Customizing copy

Some text not written exactly as you want it to be? Change it in minutes with our new copy customization feature. Read more here.


We added support for EIP-6963, so wallets can now live more peacefully within Dynamic. There is nothing you have to do, it works out-of-the-box.


Webhooks allow you to listen for any event which occurs in Dynamic and receive real time updates to your own endpoints. Read more here.

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