Breaking changes

  • setShowAuthFlow opens dynamic profile in non-multi-wallet, logged in states


  • sdk-api to sdk-api-core

The Dynamic SDK uses a number of other Dynamic packages, among them is the sdk-api library which contains several internal APIs that are not relevant to making the SDK communicate properly with Dynamic’s backend.

Therefore we’ve created a new package called sdk-api-core which only contains endpoints and models relevant for the SDK, and this is what the V2 SDK uses.

If you need to interact with Dynamic’s backend for admin-related API calls or bulk work, among other things, you should explicitly install sdk-api, otherwise the only effect this has is lowering your bundle size!

  • Wagmi V2

We now use Wagmi V2 by default as opposed to V1 in V1 of our SDK, you can find the implementation guide here to upgrade that package implementation and integration.

  • Viem V2

Viem V2 is now the default, generally you don’t need to do anything as the SDK will install it for you but if you have Viem installed manually alongside the SDK, you’ll want to either uninstall it or ensure you’re using the latest version.

Renamed variables/props

  • useConnectWithEmailOtp to useConnectWithOtp

With the introduction of sms based login in addition to email we’ve adjusted some method naming to reflect this. Thus, useConnectWithEmailOtp becomes useConnectWithOtp.

  • fetchPublicAddress to getAddress

This renaming is simply to align with standard terminology.

  • hideEmbeddedWalletUIs prop to hideEmbeddedWalletTransactionUIs

This prop was not specific enough so we renamed it to include “Transaction” as this is exactly what it hides - the transaction confirmation screens.

  • canConnectViaEmail to requiresNonDynamicEmailOtp

This flag is actually used to decide whether a wallet connector requires an external OTP provider instead of Dynamic’s default email OTP and therefore it made sense to rename it as such.

Removed variables/props

  • isVerificationInProgress

This was a boolean, available from useDynamicContext, which indicated whether any verifications are in progress for the current user (ex. connect, sign and email login verifications). However, this leads to the need for useEffects, which the React team recommends avoiding. Therefore we’ve remove this state and request that you add listeners to our callbacks in order to trigger functionalities in an event driven manner.

  • isFullyConnected

You can now use useIsLoggedIn instead of isFullyConnected to check the user’s login status.

Replaced variables/props

  • enableForcedNetworkValidation -> networkValidationMode

The type looks like the following:

export type NetworkValidationMode = 'always' | 'sign-in' | 'never'

Use looks like this:

const settings = {
  enableForcedNetworkValidation: true,
  • onEmailVerificationSuccess & onEmailVerificationFailure -> onOtpVerificationResult

With the introduction of SMS authentication as well as pre-existing email authentication, it makes more sense to generalise the verification callbacks for you, rather than having 4 individual ones. Therefore we’ve created onOtpVerificationResult so you can easily listen to success and failure for email and sms.

The signature of this new callback looks like the following

export type OnOtpVerificationResult = (
  isSuccess: boolean,

    | {
        type: Extract<OtpVerificationDestination, 'email'>
        value: string
    | {
        type: Extract<OtpVerificationDestination, 'sms'>
        value: PhoneEventData
) => void

The usage of the callback is outlined as such:

const DynamicSettings = {
  eventsCallbacks: {
    onEmailVerificationSuccess: (email) => handleSuccess(email),
    onEmailVerificationFailure: (email) => handleFailure(email),

Moved variables/props

  • setShowLinkNewWalletModal

setShowLinkNewWalletModal is not part of DynamicContext anymore, but is available as part of the new useDynamicModals hook.

const {setShowLinkNewWalletModal} = useDynamicContext();

  • evmNetworks

evmNetworks now lives inside the overrides prop on the DynamicContextProvider settings object, whereas before it lived directly in the settings object.

    environmentId: 'XXXXX',
    evmNetworks: [
        blockExplorerUrls: [],
        chainId: 1,
        iconUrls: [],
        name: 'Ethereum',
        nativeCurrency: {
          decimals: 18,
          name: 'Ether',
          symbol: 'ETH',
        networkId: 1,
        rpcUrls: [],

ERC 1155 support

Our NFT Gating feature helps you gate by NFT ownership. We’ve now added support for ERC 1155 tokens, so you can now gate by NFT ownership for both ERC 721 and ERC 1155 token types!

New webhooks added

  • user.passkeyRecovery.started
  • user.passkeyRecovery.completed
  • wallet.transferred
  • visit.created

userId in all webhook payloads

You wanted an easier way to always have the userId of the user that triggered the event - now we also include the userId of the trigger in all webhook event objects!

New hooks & methods

  • showDynamicUserProfile Currently the setShowDynamicUserProfile method exists on useDynamicContext which helps you trigger the user profile modal, however you had no way of knowing if the modal was open or not. Now you can use the showDynamicUserProfile boolean to get this information.
export const Example = () => {
  const { showDynamicUserProfile } = useDynamicContext()
  React.useEffect(() => {
    if (showDynamicUserProfile) {
      /* On widget opens */
    } else {
      /* On widget closes */
  }, [showDynamicUserProfile])
  return null
  • useConnectWithEmailOtp Now you can handle headless email signup with the useConnectWithEmailOtp hook! It exposes connectWithEmail and verifyOneTimePassword functions. It supports both Dynamic native login and our Magic integration.

  • setShowLinkNewWalletModal This new method comes as part of useDynamicContext and allows you to trigger the link new wallet method programmatically.

const LinkNewWalletButton = () => {
  const { setShowLinkNewWalletModal } = useDynamicContext()
  return (
    <button onClick={() => setShowLinkNewWalletModal(true)}>
      Link a new wallet
  • setAuthMode Previously, you could set the auth mode via the initialAuthenticationMode prop on DynamicContextProvider but this would be set in stone once the app loads. Now you can also set it programmatically via the setAuthMode method on useDynamicContext.
const Example = () => {
  const { setAuthMode } = useDynamicContext()
  return (
    <button onClick={() => setAuthMode('connect-only')}>Connect Only</button>

New callbacks

  • onAuthFlowCancel This callback is triggered when the user cancels the auth flow before successful completion. It will get called alongside onAuthFlowClose.

Extra text in the signup/login UI

  • Additional views section for extra text in the signup/login UI If you use Programmable Views, you can now insert extra text:
views: [
    type: 'login',
    sections: [
      { type: 'text', label: 'Intro Text', alignment: 'center' },

Multi-wallet prompts without userProfile widget

This allows you to use the multi wallet prompts without needing the full user profile which in which these prompts are normally bundled.