
additionalAddresses: WalletAdditionalAddress[]Additional addresses associated to the wallet (e.g. ordinals and payment addresses for bitcoin wallets)
address: stringPublic address of the connected wallet
chain: stringCurrent BlockChain name (e.g: ‘ETH’, ‘SOL’, ‘BTC’, etc)
connector: WalletConnectorThe wallet connector object
id: stringThe wallet’s unique id (matches thw wallet verified credential on connect-anf-sign)
isAuthenticated: booleanTrue if the user is authenticated, otherwise it’s false
key: stringThe wallet key (e.g. metamask, phantom, etc)


getBalance(): Promise<string | undefined>Retrieves the balance of the wallet.
getNameService(): Promise<NameServiceData | undefined>Retrieves the name service data associated with the wallet.
isConnected(): Promise<boolean>If the wallet is connected.
proveOwnership(messageToSign: string): Promise<string\ | undefined>Proves ownership of the wallet by signing a message.
signMessage(messageToSign: string): Promise<string\ | undefined>Signs a message using the wallet.
switchNetwork(networkChainId: number | string): Promise<void>Switches the network that the wallet is connected to.
sync(): Promise<void>Prompts the user to reconnect the wallet if not connected and only resolves when the wallet is connected and active.

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